Definition of Zoanthropy


  • the delusion that you have assumed the form of an animal
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Zoanthropy

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  • Word Chums® score of the zoanthropy (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the zoanthropy (117)

Unscramble zoanthropy

308 unscramble word found using the letters zoanthropy.

ah ahoy an ant anthro any aphony apo aport apron apt ar aroynt art arty ary at atony atop atopy atrophy ay ayont azo azon azoth ha han hant hao hap harn haro harp harpoon harpy hart hat hay hazy ho hoa hoar hoary hon honor hoo hoon hoop hoor hooray hoot hooty hop hora horn horny hot hoy hoya hyp hypna hypo na nah nap napoo nary nat nay no noah noh noo noop nor north not nota notary noy nth ny oar oary oat oath oaty oh oho on ono onto ony oo ooh oon oont oop oor oot oozy op opah opt or ora orant orphan ort ortho orzo otary oy pa pah pan pant panto pantry panty par part parton party pat path patron patroon paty pay payor ph phat pho phon phonatory phono phony phot photo photon pht phyton po poa poh pont ponty pony poo pooh poon poor poort poot porn porno porny port porta porty pory pot poynt poz prao prat praty pray pro proa pronota pronto proo proto proton proyn pry pya pyat pyot pyran pyro python rah ran rant rap rapt rat rath rato ratoo ratoon ray rayon razoo rho rhy