Definition of Affectingly


  • in a poignant or touching manner
    "she spoke poignantly"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Affectingly

  • Scrabble® score of the affectingly (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the affectingly (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the affectingly (26)

Unscramble affectingly

618 unscramble word found using the letters affectingly.

ace acetify acetin acetyl acing acne act actin acting acyl ae aff affect affecting affectingly affine affinely afflict affy affying aft ag age agen agency agent agile agin aglet agley agly ai aiglet ail ain aine ait al ale alec alef aleft aleying alf algetic algin alien alif align aline alit alt an ance ancile ancle ane anetic angel angelic angle anglice anglify ani anil anile ant ante anti antic anticly any at ate atelic atingle ay aye ayin caf cafe caff caffein cag cage cagey cagily cagy cain cal calefy calefying calf calif can cane cang cangle cant cantily cantle canty cany cat cate catlin catling cay ceil cel celt cent centai cental cetyl ciel cig cine cit cital cite city clag clan clang clat clay claying clean cleat cleating clef cleft clefting cleg client cliff cliffy clift clifty cline cling clingy clint clit cly clying cyan cyanite cygnet cyte ea ealing ean eat eating eclat ef eff effacing effigy effing eft egal egality eina el elain elan elating elf elfin elfing elint elt en enact enatic eng engilt eniac enlit entail entia et eta etic etna eying fa face facelift facet faceting facile facing fact fae fag fagin