Definition of Touchingly


  • in a poignant or touching manner
    "she spoke poignantly"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Touchingly

  • Scrabble® score of the touchingly (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the touchingly (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the touchingly (22)

Unscramble touchingly

390 unscramble word found using the letters touchingly.

ch chi chin ching chino chit chiton chog choil choli chon chou chout chug chut chuting cig cion cit cito city cling clingy clint clit clog clon clot cloth clothing clou clough clout clouting cloy cloying cluing clung cly clying cog coign coil coin coit col colin colt colting coly con coni cony cot coth coting cough count county couth couthy coutil coy coying cuing cuit cult culti culty cunit cunt cunty cut cutin cyton ghi ghoul gi gilt gin ginch gio git gitch glint glinty glit glitch glitchy glout glunch gluon glut glutch glycin gnu go gon gonch got gotch goth gothic gothy gouch gout goutily gouty goy gu guilt guilty gul gulch guly gun gut guy guyot gyno hi hic hilt hin hincty hing hint hit ho hoc hog hognut hoi hoing holing holt holy hon hong hongi hot hotly hout houting hoy hoying hug hugy hui huic hun hung hunt hut hying hylic ich icon icy iglu in inch incog incult incut ing ingo ingot inly into io ion it itch itchy li lich licht lig light lin linch ling lingo lingot lingy lino linocut lint linty liny lion lit lith litho litu lo loch loci log