Definition of Alchemize


  • alter (elements) by alchemy
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Alchemize

  • Scrabble® score of the alchemize (25)
  • Word Chums® score of the alchemize (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the alchemize (117)

Unscramble alchemize

192 unscramble word found using the letters alchemize.

ace ach ache acme ae ah ahem ahi ai ail aim aizle al alchemize ale alec alee alme almeh am ame ami amice amie cal calm cam came camel cami caz cazh ceaze cee ceil cel ch cha chai chal cham che chela chelae chem chez chi chia chiel chile chime chimla chiz ciel claim clam clame clem clime ea each eale ech eche eczema ee eech eel eh el elchi elemi elhi eliche elm em email eme emic ha hae haem haemic hail hale halm ham hame haze hazel he heal heame heel heil hele heli heliac helm hem hemal heme hemic hi hic hie hiemal hila him hm ice ich ilea ileac la lac lace lah laic laich lam lame laze lea leach leam leaze lech lechaim lee leech lehaim lei leme lez li lice lich lichee lie lima lime ma mac mace mach mache machi macle mae mail maile maize mal male maleic mali malic malice maze me meal mealie meazel mee meh mel mela melic mezail mezcal meze mi mic mica mice mich michael miche miha mil milch mile miz mzee za zea zeal zee zel zila zilch