Definition of Catholicise


  • cause to adopt Catholicism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Catholicise

  • Scrabble® score of the catholicise (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the catholicise (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the catholicise (20)

Unscramble catholicise

956 unscramble word found using the letters catholicise.

accite accites accoil accoils accost ace aces acetic ach ache aches achiest achiote achiotes act acts ae aesc ah ahi ahis ahs ai ail ails aioli aiolis ais aisle ait aitch aitches aits al alco alcos ale alec alecost alecs ales alethic alist alit aloe aloes aloetic aloetics als also alt altho alto altos alts as ascetic asci ascitic ascot ash ashet astelic at ate atelic ates atoc atocs ats cache caches cachet cachets cacolet cacolets cacti caecitis cal calces calcite calcites calices caliche caliches calico calicoes calicos calo calos casco case caseic cash cast caste castle cat catch catches cate catechol catechols cates cathole catholes catholic catholicise catholics cats ceas ceca cecal cecils cecitis ceil ceili ceilis ceils cel celiac celiacs celosia cels celt celts cesta cesti cestoi ch cha chace chaces chaco chacoes chacos chai chais chaise chal chalet chalets chalice chalices chalot chals chao chaos chaotic chas chase chaste chat chats che cheat cheats chela chelas chesil chest chi chia chiao chias chiastic chic chica chicalote chicalotes chicas chicest chicle chicles chico chicos chicot chicots chics chiel chiels chile chiles chili chiliast chilies chilis chis chisel chit chital chitals chits choc chocs choice choices choicest choil choils