Definition of Astringe


  • become constricted or compressed
    "The cold substance astringes"
  • constrict or bind or draw together
    "Lemon juice astringes the tissue in the mouth"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Astringe

  • Scrabble® score of the astringe (9)
  • Word Chums® score of the astringe (11)
  • Words With Friends® score of the astringe (11)

Unscramble astringe

669 unscramble word found using the letters astringe.

ae aegis aesir ag age ageist agen agent agents ager agers ages agin agist agister agnise agrin agrins agrise ags ai aigret aigrets ain aine ains air airest airn airns airs airt airts ais ait aits an ane anes anestri anger angers angries angriest angst angstier ani anis anise ans ant ante antes anti antis antre antres ants antsier ar are areg ares aret arets argent argents aris arise arisen ars arse arsine arsing art arti arties artis arts artsie as aster astern astir astringe at ate ates ats ea ean eans ear earing earings earn earns ears earst eas easing east easting eat eating eatings eats egis eina en eng engirt engs ens entia ents er era eras erasing erg ergs ering ern erns ers erst es est estrin et eta etas etna etnas gae gaen gaes gain gainer gainers gainest gains gainst gair gairs gait gaiter gaiters gaits gan gane ganister gans gant gantries gants gar gare gares gari garis garnet garnets garni gars gart gas gast gaster gastrin gat gate gater gaters gates gats gean geans gear gears geat geats geist geit geits gen gena genas genista gens gent gents ger gers gert gest get geta getas