Definition of Bewitchery


  • magnetic personal charm
    - animal magnetism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bewitchery

  • Scrabble® score of the bewitchery (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the bewitchery (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bewitchery (23)

Unscramble bewitchery

300 unscramble word found using the letters bewitchery.

be bee beech beechy beer beery beet bere beret berth berthe bet bete beth bewet bewitch bewitcher bewitchery bey bi bice bier birch birth bit bitch bitchery bitchy bite biter bree breech brei brew brey bricht brie brit brith by bye byre byte cee cere cerite cert certie certy cete ch che cheer cheery cher chere chert cherty chew chewer chewet chewie chewier chewy chi chib chirt chit cire cit cite citer cither city cree crew crewe crib crit crith crwth cry cyber cyte ebriety ech eche echt ee eech eery eew eh either er ere erect erethic eric et etch etcher eth ethe ether etheric ethic etic ewe ewer ewt eye eyer eyre eyrie he hebe hebetic heir her herb herby here hereby heretic hery herye het hete hew hewer hey hi hic hie hire hiree hit hye hyte ice icer ich icy ire it itch itchy ither re reb rebec rebit rebite rec rechew rechie recit recite recti ree reech reechy reh rei ret retch rete retie rew rewet rewth rhy rib ribeye rice ricey rich richt ricy rit rite rye te tec tech techie techier techy tee teer tehr terbic terce terebic tew the thebe thee theic