Definition of Bobtailed


  • having a short or shortened tail
    "bobtail mare"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bobtailed

  • Scrabble® score of the bobtailed (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the bobtailed (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bobtailed (17)

Unscramble bobtailed

355 unscramble word found using the letters bobtailed.

ab abb abbe abbed abbot abed abet abid abide able abled ablet abo abode aboil ad adbot adit ado adobe ae ai aid aide ail ailed ait al alb albe albedo albeit albite ale alit alod aloe aloed alt alto at ate ba babe babel babied bad bade bael bail bailed bait baited bal bald baldie bale baled balti bat bate bated be bead beal beat bed bel belt bet beta betid betoil bi bib bibe bibelot bible bid bide bidet bield bilbo bilboa bile biled bilobate bilobated bilobed bio biota bit bitable bite bito blab blad blade blae blat blate blated bleat bleb bled blet blit blite bloat bloated blob blot bo boa boab boat boated boatel boatie bob boba boblet bobtail bobtailed bod bode bodle boet boi boil boiled boite bola bold bole boleti bolide bolt bolted bot bota bote botel da dab dabble dae dal dale dalet dali dalt date dato de deal dealt deb debit debt dei deil del deli delo delt delta detail di diable diablo dial dib dibble die dieb diel diet dilate diol diota dit dita dital dite do doab doable doat dob dobbie dobe dobie dobla doe doilt doit dol dole dolia