Definition of Brittlebush


  • fragrant rounded shrub of southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico having brittle stems and small crowded blue-green leaves and yellow flowers
    produces a resin used in incense and varnish and in folk medicine
    - brittle bush - incienso - encelia farinosa
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Brittlebush

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  • Word Chums® score of the brittlebush (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the brittlebush (21)

Unscramble brittlebush

723 unscramble word found using the letters brittlebush.

be bel bels belt belts berth berths bes besit best besti bestir bet beth beths bets bhel bhels bhut bhuts bi bib bibe bibes bible bibles bibs bier biers bile biles birl birle birles birls birse birsle birth births bis bise bish bist bister bistre bit bite biter biters bites bits bitser bitt bitte bitter bitters bitts bittur bitturs biuret biurets bleb blebs blert blerts blest blet blets blist blister blit blite blites blithe blither blithers blithest blits blitter blitters blub blubs blue blueish bluer blues bluest bluet bluetit bluetits bluets bluier bluiest bluish blur blurb blurbist blurbs blurs blurt blurts blush blusher blushet bluster brei breis breist bribe bribes brie bries bris brise bristle brit brith briths brits britt brittle brittlebush brittles britts bru bruise bruit bruits brule brules brus brush brust brut brute brutes brutest brutish bruts bub bubs buhl buhls buhr buhrs built buist bulb bulbs bulse bur burb burble burbles burbliest burbs buret burets burhel burhels buries burl burliest burls burs burse burst bus bush bushel busher bushie bushier bushtit busier bust buster busti bustier bustle bustler but bute butes butle butler butlers butles buts butt butte butter butters buttes butties buttle buttles butts ebb ebbs