Definition of Flannelbush


  • any of several handsome evergreen shrubs of California and northern Mexico having downy lobed leaves and showy yellow flowers
    - flannel bush - california beauty
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Flannelbush

  • Scrabble® score of the flannelbush (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the flannelbush (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the flannelbush (24)

Unscramble flannelbush

446 unscramble word found using the letters flannelbush.

ab able ables ablush abs abune abuse ae ah ahs ahull al alb albe albs ale alef alefs ales alf alfs all alls als alu alus an ane anes ann anns annul annuls ans anu anus as ash ashen aue auf aufs aune aunes ba bael baels bah bahu bahus bal bale baleful bales ball balls bals balu balun baluns balus ban bane baneful banes banns bans bas base basen bash bashful be beal beals bean beans beau beaus befall befalls behalf bel belah belahs bell bells bels ben bens bensh bes bhel bhels bhuna bhunas blae blaes blah blahs blase blash blue blues blush buhl buhls bull bulla bullae bulls bulse bun buna bunas bunn bunns buns bunsen bus bush bushel ea ean eans eas eau eaus ef efs eh ehs el elan elans elf elfs ell ells els en ens enuf es fa fab fable fables fabs fae fah fahs fall fallen falls false fan fane fanes fannel fannell fannells fannels fans fansub fas fash faun fauns fe feal feals feh fehs fell fella fellah fellahs fellas fells fen fens fes feu feus flab flabs flan flane flanes flannel flannels flans flash flaune flaunes flea fleas flesh flu