Definition of Chapelgoer


  • a Protestant in England who is not a member of the Church of England
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Chapelgoer

  • Scrabble® score of the chapelgoer (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the chapelgoer (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the chapelgoer (21)

Unscramble chapelgoer

517 unscramble word found using the letters chapelgoer.

ace acer ach ache acre acro ae aero aerogel ag age agee ager aglee ago agree agro ah al alco ale alec alee aleph alerce algor aloe alp ape aper apo apogee ar arc arch arco are areg areole argh argle argol arle cag cage cager cal calo calp cap cape caper caph caple capo car care cargo carhop carl carle carol carp carpel cee cegep cel ceorl cep cepage cepe cere cereal cerge cero ch cha chal chao chap chape chapel char chare charge che cheap cheaper cheapo cheep cheer cheero chegoe chela chelae chelp cher chere chog chola choler cholera chop choral chorale chore chorea choreal choree clag clap claro clear cleep cleg clepe clog clop coal coaler cog cohere col cola cole cop copal cope coper copra coprah cor coral core crag crap crape craple creagh cree creel creep creole crepe crog crop ea each eager eagle eagre eale ear earhole earl ech eche echo echoer eco ee eech eel egal eger ego eh el eloge elope eloper eorl eparch epha ephor ephoral epoch epocha epochal er era ere erg ergo gach gacher gae gal gale galere galoche galop galore gaol gaoler gap gape gaper gapo gar