Definition of Chrysophyta


  • mostly freshwater eukaryotic algae having the chlorophyll masked by brown or yellow pigment
    yellow-green and golden-brown algae and diatoms: Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae
    some classification systems superseded or subsumed by Heterokontophyta
    - division chrysophyta
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Chrysophyta

  • Scrabble® score of the chrysophyta (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the chrysophyta (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the chrysophyta (25)

Unscramble chrysophyta

587 unscramble word found using the letters chrysophyta.

ach achy acro acros act actor actors acts ah ahh ahhs ahoy ahs apo aport apos apso apt apts ar arc arch arco arcos arcs ars arsy art arts artsy arty ary as ascot ash ashy asp asport aspro at atoc atocs atop atopy atrophy ats ay ays cap caph caphs capo capos capot capots caps captor captors car carhop carhops carp carps cars cart cartop carts cash cast castor castory cat cats cay cays ch cha chao chaos chap chaps chapt char charpoy charpoys chars chart charts chary chas chat chats chay chays chop chops chota coapt coapts coast coat coats cop copay copays copra coprah coprahs copras cops copsy copy cor corps cors cory cos cosh cost costa costar cosy cot coth coths cots coy coys crap craps crapshot crapy crash cray crays crop crops crost cry crypt crypto cryptos crypts cyst ha hah hahs hao haos hap haps haro haros harp harps harpy harsh hart harts has hash hashy hasp hast hasty hat hatch hath hats hay hays ho hoa hoar hoars hoary hoas hoast hoc hoh hoha hohs hop hops hora horah horahs horas hors horst horsy hos host hosta hostry hot hotch hots hoy hoya