Definition of Charophyceae


  • in some classifications: contains only the order Charales
    - class charophyceae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Charophyceae

  • Scrabble® score of the charophyceae (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the charophyceae (33)
  • Words With Friends® score of the charophyceae (27)

Unscramble charophyceae

406 unscramble word found using the letters charophyceae.

aa aah acca accoy accra ace acer ach achar ache achy acre acro ae aero aery ah aha aheap ahh ahoy apace apache apay ape aper apery apo ar arc arch arco are area areach areae areca arepa aroha arpa ary ay ayah aye ayre caa caca cacao cache cacoepy caeca cap capa cape caper caph capo car carap care carhop caroach caroch caroche carp cay ceca cee cep cepe cere cero ch cha chace chaco chao chap chape char chara chare charpoy chary chay chaya che cheap cheaper cheapo cheapy cheep cheer cheero cheery cher chere choc chop chore chorea choree chypre coach coachee coacher coachy coca coch coerce cohere cop copay cope coper copra coprah copy cor core corey cory coryphe coryphee coy coyer crap crape crapy cray creach creche cree creep creepy crepe crepey crepy croc croche crop cry cypher ea each ear earache ecce ecco ech eche echo echoer echoey eco ecorche ee eech eery eh eparch eparchy epha ephah ephor epoch epocha er era ere eye eyer eyra eyre ha haar hae hah haha hao hap hare haro harp harpy hay hayer he heap heaper heapy hear heare hech heh hep hepar her here hero