Definition of Cleistogamy


  • the production of small nonopening self-pollinating flowers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cleistogamy

  • Scrabble® score of the cleistogamy (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the cleistogamy (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cleistogamy (22)

Unscramble cleistogamy

1414 unscramble word found using the letters cleistogamy.

ace aces acetyl acetyls acme acmes acmite acmites acolyte acolytes act acts acyl acyls ae aegis aesc ag age ageism ageist ages agile agilest agio agios agism agist aglet aglets agley agly ago ags ai aiglet aiglets ail ails aim aims ais aisle ait aits al alco alcos ale alec alecost alecs ales algesic algetic alist alit aliyos aliyot alme almes almost alms aloe aloes aloetic aloetics als also alt alto altos alts am ame ames ami amice amices amie amies amigo amigos amis amity amole amoles amosite amyl amylic amylose amyls as asci ascot aseity astelic astely at ate atelic ates atimy atmolyse atmos atoc atocs atom atomic atomics atomies atomise atoms atomy ats ay aye ayes ays cag cage cages cagey cagiest cagily cagot cagots cags cagy cal caligo caligoes caligos calm calmest calmiest calms calmy calo calos cam came camel camelot camelots camels cameo cameos cames cami camis camise camisole camlet camlets camo camogie camogies camos camote camotes cams case cast caste castle cat cate catelog catelogs cates cats cay cays ceas ceil ceils cel celom celoms celosia cels celt celts cesta cesti cestoi cetyl cetyls ciao ciaos ciel ciels cig cigs cis cist cit cital citals