Definition of Clinocephaly


  • a congenital defect in which the top of the head is depressed (concave instead of convex)
    - clinocephalism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Clinocephaly

  • Scrabble® score of the clinocephaly (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the clinocephaly (33)
  • Words With Friends® score of the clinocephaly (28)

Unscramble clinocephaly

816 unscramble word found using the letters clinocephaly.

accloy accoil accoy ace ach ache achy acne acyl acyloin ae aeon aeonic ah ahi ahoy ai ail ain aine al alco ale alec aleph alien alienly aline all alley allice alloy ally alnico aloe aloin alone alonely alopecic alp alphyl alpine alpinely an ance ancho ancile ancle ane anechoic anelli ani anil anile anole any ape aphelion aphonic aphony apio apiol apneic apnoeic apo ay aye ayelp ayin cache cacoepy caille cain cal calcine caliche calicle calico caliph call calliope callop calo calp calycine calycle can cancel cancelli cane caneh canoe canopic canopy cany cap cape capelin caph capi caple caplin capo capon cay ceca cecal cecally ceil cel celiac cell cella celli cello cep cephalic cephalin ch cha chace chaco chai chain chaine chal chalice challie chally chalone chalonic chance chancel chancey chancily chancy chao chap chape chapel chay che cheap cheaply cheapo cheapy chela chelp chi chia chiao chic chica chicane chicano chicle chicly chico chicon chiel chile chill chilly chin china chine chino chip choc choice choicely choil chola choli cholic choline cholla chon chop chopin chopine chyle ciao cicale cicely ciel cill cinch cine cineol cion ciphony clach clan clap clay clean cleanly clench cliche