Definition of Cephalohematoma


  • a collection of blood under the scalp of a newborn
    caused by pressure during birth
    - cephalhematoma
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cephalohematoma

  • Scrabble® score of the cephalohematoma (29)
  • Word Chums® score of the cephalohematoma (38)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cephalohematoma (32)

Unscramble cephalohematoma

804 unscramble word found using the letters cephalohematoma.

aa aah aal acaleph acalephae acalephe ace aceta acetal ach ache achoo acme acoelomate act acta ae aechmea ah aha ahchoo aheap ahem ahh al ala alaap alae alamo alap alapa alate alco ale alec alee aleph alma almah alme almeh aloe aloha aloo alp alpaca alpha alt althaea althea altho alto am ama amah amate amatol ame amla ammo ammocete ammocoete amole amp ample apace apache ape apholate aphtha aphthae apo apothece apothem apt at atap ate athame atma atoc atom atop caa caeoma cahoot cal calathea calm calo calp calpa caltha cam cama came camel camelot cameo camlet camo camote camp camphol cample campo cap capa cape capelet caph caple caplet capo capot capote cat catalo catalpa cate cathole cee cel celom celomata celt cep cepe cephalate cete ch cha chaeta chaetae chaetal chal chalah chaleh chalet chalot chaloth cham chamelot chamlet champ chao chap chape chapel chaplet chapt chat che cheap cheapo cheat cheep cheetah chela chelae chelate chelp chem chemo chetah cheth chola cholate cholo chomp choom chop chota clam clame clamp clap clapt clat cleat cleep clem cleome clepe clept cloam clomp cloop cloot clop clot clote cloth clothe coal coala coapt coat coate coatee