Definition of Craniotomy


  • a surgical opening through the skull
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Craniotomy

  • Scrabble® score of the craniotomy (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the craniotomy (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the craniotomy (19)

Unscramble craniotomy

493 unscramble word found using the letters craniotomy.

acorn acrimony acro acromion acron acronym act actin action acton actor ai aim ain air aircon airn airt airy ait am ami amin amino amir amity amnic amnio amorino amort amotion amrit an ani anomic anomy ant anti antic any aortic ar arc arcmin arco ariot arm army aroint aroynt art arti artic arty ary at atimy atoc atom atomic atomy atonic atony ay ayin ayont cain cairn cairny cam cami camion camo can cant canto cantor canty cany car carn carny carom caron carotin cart carton cartoon cartoony caryotin cat cation cay ciao cimar cion cit cito citron city coat coati coin coir coit coma comart comity con coni conia conima conto contra cony coo coom coomy coon coonty coot cor coram coranto coria corm corn corni corno corny corona cortin cortina cory cot cotan coy cram cran craniotomy craton cray crayon cria criant crim crit cron crony croon croony croton cry cyan cyano cyma cymar cyton icon icy in inarm inro into intra intro io ion iota iron irony it ita ma mac macon macro macron main mainor mair man mani manic manioc manito mano manor mantic manto mantric manty many mar marc marconi maron maroon mart martin