Definition of Tracheostomy


  • a surgical operation that creates an opening into the trachea with a tube inserted to provide a passage for air
    performed when the pharynx is obstructed by edema or cancer or other causes
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  • Words With Friends® score of the tracheostomy (22)

Unscramble tracheostomy

1622 unscramble word found using the letters tracheostomy.

ace acer acers aces ach ache aches achoo achoos achy acme acmes acre acres acro acros acrosome act actor actors acts ae aero aeros aery aesc ah ahem ahorse ahoy ahs am ame ames amethyst amorce amorces amoret amorets amoretto amorettos amort ar arc arch arches archest arco arcos arcs are ares aret arets arett aretts arm armet armets arms army arose ars arse arsey arsy art arts artsy arty ary as ascot ash ashery ashet ashore ashy aster astert asthore astrocyte at ate ates athrocyte athrocytes atmos atoc atocs atom atoms atomy ats att ay aye ayes ayre ayres ays cahoot cahoots cam came cameo cameos cames camo camos camote camotes cams camsho car care cares caret carets carom caroms cars carse carsey cart carte cartes carts case cash cashoo cast caste caster castor castory cat cate cater caters cates cats cattery catty cay cays ceas cero ceros cert certs certy cesta ch cha cham chams chao chaos char chare chares charet charets charm charms charoset chars chart charts chary chas chase chaser chasm chasmy chaste chaster chat chatroom chatrooms chats chatter chatters chattery chatty chay chayote chayotes chayroot chayroots chays che cheat cheats chem chemo chemos chemostat chems