Definition of Cytophotometric


  • of or relating to the study of cells by means of a cytophotometer
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cytophotometric

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  • Word Chums® score of the cytophotometric (37)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cytophotometric (31)

Unscramble cytophotometric

923 unscramble word found using the letters cytophotometric.

cecity cep cerci ceric ceriph cero cerotic cert certy ch che chem chemic chemo chemotropic cher cheroot chert cherty chi chic chicer chico chicory chicot chime chimer chimo chimp chip chirm chiro chirp chirpy chirt chit chitter chitty choc choco choice choicer choir chomp chomper choom chop chore choreic choric chott chrome chromic chromite chromo chromotype chromy chyme chymic chypre cicero cipher cire cit cite citer cither cito city coch coco cocotte coempt coheir coho cohoe cohort coir coit come comer comet cometh cometic comic comice comity comp comper competitor compo comport compot compote compotier compt compter comte coo cooch cooer cooey coom coomier coomy coop cooper coopery coopt coorie coot cootch cooter cootie cop cope coper copier copremic copter copy cor core corey corm cormophyte cormophytic cory coryphe cot cote coth cott cotter cottier cotype coy coyer coyote crem crept crepy cretic crim crime crimp crimpy crip cripe crit crith croc croche crochet croci crocoite crome crop crotch crotchet crotchety cry crypt cryptic crypto cyme cypher cyte cytochrome cytometric cytophotometric cytotropic ecco ech echo echoic echt eco ecotypic ectomorph ectomorphic ectomorphy ectophytic ectopic ectoproct ectopy ectotrophic ectropic eh em emic emictory emir emit emo empt empty ephor ephori epic