Definition of Diencephalon


  • the posterior division of the forebrain
    connects the cerebral hemispheres with the mesencephalon
    - thalmencephalon
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Diencephalon

  • Scrabble® score of the diencephalon (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the diencephalon (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the diencephalon (24)

Unscramble diencephalon

1072 unscramble word found using the letters diencephalon.

ace aced ach ache ached achene acid acne acned acnode acold ad adenine ado ae aedile aedine aeon aeonic ah ahed ahi ahind ahold ai aid aide ail ailed ain aine ainee al alcid alco ale alec alee alencon aleph alepine alien aliened aline alined aliped alnico alod aloe aloed aloin alone alp alpeen alpine an ance ancho ancile ancle ancon ancone and ane anele aneled anhedonic ani anil anile anion ann annelid anno anode anodic anole anon anopheline ape aped aphelion aphid aphonic apiece apio apiol apneic apnoeic apo apod apode cad cade cadee cadi cadie caid cain cal calid calipee caliph calo calp can candie candle candlepin cane caned caneh canid canine cann canned cannel cannie cannoli canoe canoed canon canopied cap cape caped capelin capeline caph capi caple caplin capo capon cede cedi cee ceil ceiled cel celadon celandine cep cepe cephalin cepheid ch cha chad chado chai chain chaine chained chal chalone channel channeled chao chap chape chapel che cheap cheaped cheapen cheapie cheapo cheep chela chelae cheliped cheloid chelone chelonian chelp chelped chi chia chiao chid chide chiel chield child childe chile chin china chine chined chinned chino chinone chip chode choil chola choli choline