Definition of Rhombencephalon


  • the posterior portion of the brain including cerebellum and brainstem
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Rhombencephalon

  • Scrabble® score of the rhombencephalon (29)
  • Word Chums® score of the rhombencephalon (39)
  • Words With Friends® score of the rhombencephalon (34)

Unscramble rhombencephalon

1608 unscramble word found using the letters rhombencephalon.

ab abcee abele aber abhor able abler abloom abmho abo abohm aboon abore aborne ace acer acerb ach ache achene achoo acme acne acorn acre acro acron acrophobe ae aeon aero aerobe aerophobe aerophone ah ahchoo ahem ahh al alb albe albee alco ale alebench alec alee alencon aleph alerce alme almeh almner almoner aloe alone aloo alp alpeen alpenhorn alphorn am ambeer amber amble ambler ambo ame ameer amelcorn amen amene amerce amole amorce amp ampere ample ampler an ance ancho anchor anchormen ancle ancome ancon ancone ane anele anemochore anemone ann anno anole anon ape apemen aper aplomb apo apron ar arb arc arch archon arco are arene areole arle arm armhole arpen ba bac bach bachelor bacon baconer bael bah bal bale baleen baler balm baloo bam ban banc banco bane banner bannerol bap bar bare barhop barm barmen barn barolo baron baronne barp be beach beacon beal beam beamer bean beano beanpole bear beare becalm became becap bechamel becharm beclamor become bee beech been beenah beep beer bel belace belah belar belch belcher beleap belon bema bemean bemoan bemoaner ben bename bench bencher bene benne bepearl bere berm berme bhel bhoona blae blaer blah blaher blam