Definition of Diethylstilbestrol


  • a potent estrogen used in medicine and in feed for livestock and poultry
    - diethylstilboestrol - des
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Diethylstilbestrol

  • Scrabble® score of the diethylstilbestrol (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the diethylstilbestrol (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the diethylstilbestrol (29)

Unscramble diethylstilbestrol

3567 unscramble word found using the letters diethylstilbestrol.

be bed bede bedel bedell bedells bedels bedes bedirties bedirty bedless bedrest bedrests bedrite bedrites bedroll bedrolls beds bedsit bedsits bedsitter bedsitters bedsore bedsores bedye bedyes bee beedi beer beerily beers beery bees beet beets beheld behest behests behold beholder beholders beholds behote behotes bel belie belied belier beliers belies belittle belittled belittler belittlers belittles bell belle belled belles belletrist belletrists bellettrist bellettrists bellied bellies bells belly bels belt belted belter belters beltless belts bere beres beret berets berley berleys berth berthe berthed berthes berths beryl beryllioses berylliosis beryls bes beses beset besets beside besides besit besits besort besorted besorts besot besots besotted besottedly best bested besti bestie besties bestill bestilled bestills bestir bestirs bestis bestrid bestride bestrides bestrode bests bet bete beted betel betels betes beth bethel bethels beths betid betide betides betise betises betitle betitled betitles betoil betoiled betoils betoss betossed betrod betroth betrothed betrotheds betroths bets betted better betters betties bettor bettors betty bey beys bheesty bhel bhels bhistee bhistees bhisti bhistie bhisties bhistis bi bid bide bider biders bides bidet bidets bidi bidis bids bield bieldier bieldiest bields bieldy bier biers bile biled biles bill billed biller billers billet billeted billeter billeters billets billie billies bills