Definition of Stilbestrol


  • a potent estrogen used in medicine and in feed for livestock and poultry
    - diethylstilboestrol - des
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble stilbestrol

813 unscramble word found using the letters stilbestrol.

be bel bell bells bels belt belts bes besit besits besort besorts besot besots best besti bestill bestills bestir bestirs bestis bests bet betoil betoils betoss bets bettor bettors bi bier biers bile biles bill biller billers billet billets bills bio bios birl birle birles birls biro biros birse birses birsle birsles bis bise bises bist bister bisters bistort bistorts bistre bistres bistro bistros bit bite biter biters bites bitless bito bitos bits bitser bitsers bitt bitte bitter bitters bittor bittors bitts blert blerts bless blest blet blets bliss blist blister blisters blit blite blites blits blitter blitters blore blores blot blotless blots blotter blotters blottier bo boet boets boi boil boiler boilers boils bois boite boites bole boles boleti boll bolls bolster bolsters bolt bolter bolters boltless bolts bor bore borel borels bores bors bort bortiest borts bos bosie bosies boss bosser bosset bossier bot bote botel botels botes bots bott botte bottes botties bottle bottler bottlers bottles botts brei breis breist breists brie bries brill brillest brillo brillos brills brio brios bris brise brises briss bristle bristles bristol bristols brit brits britt brittle brittles britts bro broil broils brollies bros brose broses brosiest el ell ells els elt