Definition of Electrocardiograph


  • medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Electrocardiograph

  • Scrabble® score of the electrocardiograph (29)
  • Word Chums® score of the electrocardiograph (38)
  • Words With Friends® score of the electrocardiograph (33)

Unscramble electrocardiograph

4705 unscramble word found using the letters electrocardiograph.

aa aah aahed aal aargh aarrgh aarti acai acaleph acalephe acari acarid acaroid acater acca accede acceder accelerator accept accepted accepter acceptor accite accited accoied accoil accolade accorage accoraged accord accorder accra accredit accrete accreted ace aced acedia acephalic acer acerate acerated acerola aceta acetal acetic ach achage achar ache ached achier achiote achira achiral acholia achoo acid acider acierage acierate acierated acold acratic acre acreage acred acrid acrider acritarch acro acrolect acrolith acropetal acroter acroteria acroterial acrotic act acta acted actor ad adage adagio adapt adapter adaptor adept adepter adhere adherer adipocere adit ado adopt adoptee adopter adoral adore adorer adrate adroit adroiter ae aecia aecial aedile aeradio aerate aerated aerator aerial aerie aeried aerier aero aerodart aerogel aerograph aerographer aerolite aerolith aerologic aerophore aerotropic aether aetheric ag aga agacerie agape agapeic agar agaric agate agatoid age aged agee ager agha agila agile agiler agio agita aglare aglee aglet agloo ago agood agora agorae agorot agoroth agraphic agree agreed agria agro agrodolce ah aha ahead aheap ahed ahi ahold ai aia aid aida aide aider aiga aight aiglet aigret ail ailed air aircoach airdate airdrop aired airer airgap airgraph airhead airhole airport airt airted airth airthed ait aitch al