Definition of Electromyography


  • diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders with the use of an electromyograph
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Word Chums® score of the electromyography (38)
  • Words With Friends® score of the electromyography (34)

Unscramble electromyography

2764 unscramble word found using the letters electromyography.

ace acer acetyl ach ache achoo achy acme acolyte acolyth acre acro acroter act actor actorly acyl ae aero aerogel aerology aerometry aerophore aerophyte aery aether ag age agee ager aglee aglet agley agloo agly ago agorot agoroth agree agro ah ahem ahoy al alchemy alchymy alco ale alec alee aleph alerce alert alerter aleye algometer algometry algor alme almeh almery aloe aloo alp alt alter alterer altho alto am ame ameer amerce amercer amole amorce amoret amort amp ampere ampholyte ample ampler amply amyl amyotrophy ape aper apert apery apo apogee apolog apology aport apothece apothegm apothem apt apter aptly ar arc arch archeology archeometry archer archery archetype archlet archly archology arco arcology are areg areole areology areometry arere aret arete argh argle argol argot argyle arle arm armer armet armhole armlet armor armory army arrect arret arroyo art artel artery arty ary aryl at ate atheology atmology atoc atom atomy atop atopy atrophy ay aye ayelp aygre ayre cag cage cager cagey cagot cagy cahoot cal calm calmer calmy calo calory calotype caloyer calp calthrop caltrop calypter cam came camel camelot camelry cameo camlet camo camote camp camper campery camphol camphor cample camply campo camporee campy cap cape