Definition of Entoproct


  • any of various moss-like aquatic animals usually forming branching colonies
    each polyp having a both mouth and anus within a closed ring of tentacles
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Entoproct

  • Scrabble® score of the entoproct (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the entoproct (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the entoproct (16)

Unscramble entoproct

214 unscramble word found using the letters entoproct.

cent cento cep cero ceroon cert con cone conte conto contort coo cooer coon coop cooper coopt coot cooter cop cope copen coper copter cor core corn cornet cornett cornetto corno coronet cot cote cott cotter cotton crepon crept cron crone cronet croon crop croton eco en enroot entoproct eon er ern et ne nep net netop netroot nett no noo noop nope nor not note noter nott octet oe on once oncer oncet one oner ono onto oo oon oont oop oor oot op ope open operon opt opter or orc ore ort otter otto pe pec pen pent peon per perc pern pert pet petro petto po poco poet ponce pone pont poo poon poonce poor poort poot pooter pore porn porno port portent pot pote potent pott potter potto pre prent preon pro prone pronto proo protect proto proton re rec recon recto ren reno rent reo rep repo repot ret roc roe rone roneo ront ronte roo roon roop root rope rot rote roto roton rotte rotten te tec ten tenor tent tern tet to toc toco toe ton tone toner tonto too toon toot tooter top tope toper topo tor torc tore torn toro torot