Definition of Excitingly


  • in an exciting manner
    "at the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Excitingly

  • Scrabble® score of the excitingly (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the excitingly (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the excitingly (26)

Unscramble excitingly

208 unscramble word found using the letters excitingly.

ceil ceili ceiling cel celt cent cetyl ciel cieling cig cine cit cite citing city cleg client cline cling clingy clint clit cly clying cygnet cylix cyte el elicit elint elt en eng engilt enlit et etic ex exciting excitingly exilic exiling exility exing exit exiting eying geit gel gelt gen genic genii gent gentil gentilic gently genty get gey gi gie gien gilet gilt gin git gite glei glen glent gley glint glinty glit glycin glycine gynie gyte ice icily icing icy ignite ilex in incite incle ing ingle inlet inly intel inti intil it ixtle lect lectin leg legit lei leng lenitic lenity lent lenti lentic let lex ley li lice licit lie lien lig ligne lignite lin line liney ling lingy lint lintie linty liny lit lite liting lye lying lyne lynx lyte lytic lyting ne neg net next nextly nice nicely nicety nie nil nit nite nix nixe nixie nixy ny nye te tec teg teil tein tel telic ten tex ti tic tice ticing tie tieing tig tige tiglic til tile tiling tin tine ting tinge tingle tingly tinily tiny tix tiyin tiyn tye tyeing tyg tyin tying tyne xenic xi xylic ye yelt yen