Definition of Gametocyte


  • an immature animal or plant cell that develops into a gamete by meiosis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gametocyte

  • Scrabble® score of the gametocyte (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the gametocyte (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gametocyte (20)

Unscramble gametocyte

224 unscramble word found using the letters gametocyte.

ace acme act ae ag age agee ago am ame at ate atoc atom atomy att ay aye cag cage cagey cagot cagy cam came cameo camo camote cat cate catty cay cee cete coat coate coatee cog coma comae comate come comet comte cot cote cott cotta cottae cottage cottagey coy cyma cymae cyme cyte ea eat eco ecotage ee egma ego em eme emo emote et eta etage etat etyma eye eyot gae gam game gamete gametocyte gamey gamy gat gate gay geat gee gem gemot gemote geo get geta gey go goa goat goatee goaty goe goety goey got gotta goy gym gyte ma mac mace mae mag mage magot mat mate matey matt matte maty may mayo me meat meaty mee meet meg mega met meta metage metate mete mo moa moat moc moe mog mot mote motet motey mott motte motty moy moya my myc oat oaty oca octa octet oe ogam ogee om omega oy oye ta tace tacet taco tact tae tag tam tame tao tat tate tay te tea team teat tec tecta tee teem teg teme tet tete to toc toe toea toey tog toga togae togate toge tom tomcat tome