Definition of Gangliocyte


  • a nerve cell whose body is outside the central nervous system
    "damage to ganglion cells in the retina may play a role in the development of glaucoma"
    - ganglion cell
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gangliocyte

  • Scrabble® score of the gangliocyte (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the gangliocyte (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gangliocyte (22)

Unscramble gangliocyte

815 unscramble word found using the letters gangliocyte.

ace acetin acetyl acing acne acolyte aconite act actin acting action acton acyl acyloin ae aeon aeonic ag age ageing agelong agen agency agent aggie agile agin aging agio aglet agley agly aglycon aglycone ago agog agoge agogic agoing agon agone agonic agony ai aiglet ail ain aine ait al alco ale alec aleying algetic algin alien align aline alit aliyot alnico aloe aloetic aloin alone along alt alto an ance ancile ancle ane anetic angel angelic angico angle anglice anglo ani anil anile anoetic anole anolyte ant ante anti antic anticly antilog antilogy any at ate atelic atingle atoc atone atonic atony ay aye ayin ayont cag cage cageling cagey cagily caging cagot cagy cain cal caligo calo can cane cang cangle canoe cant cantily cantle canto canty cany cat cate catelog cation catlin catling cay ceil cel celt cent centai cental cento cetyl ciao ciel cig ciggy cine cineol cion cit cital cite cito citola citole city clag claggy clan clang clat clay claying clean cleat cleating cleg client cline cling clingy clint clit clog cloggy clon clone clot clote cloy cloye cloying cly clying coagent coal coaling coaly coat coate coati coating cog cogent cogently coggie coggle