Definition of Heather-bell


  • common low European shrub with purple-red flowers
    - bell heather - fine leaved heath - erica cinerea
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Heather_bell

  • Scrabble® score of the heather_bell (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the heather_bell (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the heather_bell (20)

Unscramble heather_bell

296 unscramble word found using the letters heather_bell.

ab abele aber abet able abler ablet ae aether ah ahh al alb albe albee albert ale alee alert all allee alt alter ar arb are aret arete arle art artel at ate ba bael bah baht bal bale baler ball baller ballet bar bare bat bate bath bathe bather batler be beal bear beare beat beater beath bee beer beerhall beet beetle beetler bel belah belar belate belee bell belle belleter belt belter berate bere beret berth bertha berthe bet beta bete betel beth bethel bethrall bhat bhel blae blaer blah blaher blare blart blat blate blater blather blear bleat bleater blee blert blet blether bra brae brat breath breathe bree ea eale ear earl earth eat eater eath eathe ee eel eh el elate elater ell elt er era ere et eta eth ethal ethe ether ethereal ha hable hae haet hah halbert hale haler hall halt halter haltere hare harebell harl hart hat hate hater hath he heal healee healer health hear heare heart hearth heat heater heath heather hebe heel heelbar heeler heh hele hell heller her herb herbal herbelet herblet here hereat herl het hete heth hether la lab label labeler labret laer lah lar