Definition of Heliotherapy


  • therapeutic exposure to sunlight
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Heliotherapy

  • Scrabble® score of the heliotherapy (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the heliotherapy (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the heliotherapy (22)

Unscramble heliotherapy

1023 unscramble word found using the letters heliotherapy.

ae aerie aerily aero aerolite aerolith aerophyte aery aether ah ahh ahi ahoy ai aiery ail air airhole airt airth airy ait aiyee al ale alee aleph alert aleye alit aliyot aliyoth aloe alp alt alter altho alto ape aper apert apery apio apiol aplite apo aport apt apter aptly ar are areole aret arete ariel aril ariot arle art artel arti artily arty ary aryl at ate atelier atop atopy atrip atrophy ay aye ayelp ayre ayrie ea eale ear earhole earl early earth earthily earthly earthy eat eater eatery eath eathe eathly ee eel eely eerily eery eh either el elate elater elhi elite elope eloper elt elytra eolith eorl epater epeira epeolatry epha ephah ephor ephoral ephoralty ephorate ephori epilate epilator er era ere et eta etaerio etape eth ethal ethe ether etherial ethyl etoile eyalet eye eyer eyot eyra eyre eyrie ha hae haet hah hail hailer haily hair hairy haith hale haler halier halite halo halophyte halt halter haltere hao haole hap haplite haply hare harelip harl harlot haro harp harpy hart hartely hat hate hater hath hay hayer hayier hayle he heal healer health healthier healthy heap heaper heapier heapy hear heare hearie heart