Definition of Actinotherapy


  • (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
    - radiation therapy
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Unscramble actinotherapy

2029 unscramble word found using the letters actinotherapy.

aa aah aarti acai acanth acanthi acari acarine acater ace acer aceta acetin ach achar acharne ache achenia achier achiote achira achy acinar acne aconite acorn acre acro acron act acta actant actin actinotherapy action actioner acton actor ae aecia aeon aeonic aeration aero aery ah aha aheap ahent ahi ahint ahoy ai aia aiery ain aina aine air aircon airn airt airth airy ait aitch an ana anaphor anaphoric anarch anarchy anatropy anatto ance ancho anchor anchoret anchorite ancora ane anear aneath anetic ani anoa anoetic anopia anoretic anorthic anorthite another ant anta antae antar ante antechoir anther anthocarp anthracite anthro anthropic anti antiar antic anticar antihero antiparty antipathy antipot antirape antitype antra antre any aorta aortae aortic apace apache apart apatetic apathetic apathy apatite apay ape aper apert apery aphanite aphetic aphonia aphonic aphony aphotic apian apiary apio apnea apneic apnoea apnoeic apo apocrine aporetic aporia aport apothecary apothecia apricate apricot apron aprotic apt apter apteria aptote aptotic apyretic ar arc arcane arch archaei archaeon archean archei archi archine architype archon archontate arco arctan are area areach areca areic arena arepa aret arett arhat aria arietta ariot arna arnatto arnica aroha aroint aroynt arpa arpen arpent art arti