Definition of Heterodactyl


  • (of bird feet) having the first and second toes directed backward the third and fourth forward
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Heterodactyl

  • Scrabble® score of the heterodactyl (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the heterodactyl (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the heterodactyl (21)

Unscramble heterodactyl

1316 unscramble word found using the letters heterodactyl.

ace aced acer acetyl ach ache ached achy acold acolyte acolyth acre acred acro act acted actor actorly acyl ad adhere ado adore adry ae aero aery aether ah ahed ahold ahoy al alco alder ale alec alee alerce alert alerted aleye aleyed alod aloe aloed alt alter altered altho alto ar arc arced arch arched archlet archly arco ard are ared arede areole aret arete arett aretted arle arled art artel arty ary aryl at ate athlete athrocyte atoc att ay aye ayre cad cade cadee cadet cadre cal calo calory calotte caloyer car card cardy care cared caret carl carle carlot carol caroled cart carte carted cartel cat cate cater catered catheter cathode cathole catholyte catolyte catted cattery cattle catty cay cedar cedary cede ceder cedrate cee cel celery celt ceorl cerate cerated cere cereal cered cero cert certy cete cetyl ch cha chad chado chador chal chalder chalet chalot chao char chard chare chared charet charette charley charlotte chart charted chary chat chatted chattel chatter chattered chattery chatty chay chayote che cheat cheated cheater cheatery cheder cheer cheerly cheero cheery chela chelae chelate chelated chelator cher chere chert cherty chlorate chode chola cholate choler cholera choltry choral