Definition of Polydactylous


  • of or relating to a person (or other vertebrate) having more than the normal number of digits
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Polydactylous

  • Scrabble® score of the polydactylous (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the polydactylous (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the polydactylous (27)

Unscramble polydactylous

927 unscramble word found using the letters polydactylous.

acold act acts acyl acyls ad ado adopt adopts ados ads adult adultly adults adust al alco alcool alcools alcos aldol aldols all allod allods allot allots allotypy alloy alloys alls ally allyou alod alods aloo aloos aloud alp alps als also alt alto altos alts alu alus apo apod apodous apods apollo apollos apos apso apt aptly apts as ascot asp aspout astoop at atoc atocs atoll atolls atop atopy ats auld aulos auto autopsy autos autoscopy ay ays ayu ayus cad cads cal call callop callops callous callout callouts calls callus calo calos calp calps calypso cap capo capos capot capots caps capul capuls caput cast cat cats catsup caul cauld caulds cauls caup caups cay cays clad clads clap claps clapt clasp claspt clast clat clats claut clauts clay clays clod clodly clods cloop cloops cloot cloots clop clops clot clots clou cloud clouds cloudy clous clout clouts cloy cloys cly coady coal coaldust coals coaly coapt coapts coast coat coats cod coda codas cods col cola colas cold coldly colds coll collop collops collotypy colls colly colpoda colpodas cols colt colts coly coo cool coolly cools cooly coop coops coopt coopts coos coost coot coots cop