Definition of Horsemint


  • a coarse Old World wild water mint having long leaves and spikelike clusters of flowers
    naturalized in the eastern United States
    - mentha longifolia
  • tall erect perennial or annual having lanceolate leaves and heads of purple-spotted creamy flowers
    many subspecies grown from eastern to southwestern United States and in Mexico
    - monarda punctata
  • an annual horsemint of central and western United States and northern Mexico
    - lemon mint - monarda citriodora
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Horsemint

  • Scrabble® score of the horsemint (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the horsemint (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the horsemint (15)

Unscramble horsemint

761 unscramble word found using the letters horsemint.

eh ehs eish em emir emirs emit emits emo emos ems en enorm ens entrism ents eon eonism eons eosin er erm ern erns eros erotism ers erst es est estrin estro et eth ethion ethions ethnos ethos eths he heir heirs heist hem hemin hemins hems hen hens hent hents her heriot heriots herm hermit hermits herms hern herns hero heroin heroins heroism heron herons heros hers hes hest het hets hi hie hiems hieron hies him hims hin hins hint hinter hinters hints hire hires his hisn hist histone hit hitmen hits hm ho hoe hoer hoers hoes hoi hois hoise hoist hoister hoistmen hom home homer homers homes homie homier homies homiest homines homs hon hone honer honers hones honest hons hore hori horis horme hormes horn hornet hornets horniest hornist horns hors horse horsemint horsie horst horste hos hose hosen hoser hosier host hostie hot hote hoten hots in inerm inert inerts inmesh inmost inro ins insert inset inshore inter inters into intro intros io ion ions ios ire ires iron irone irones irons is ish ism iso isomer isotherm it item items ither its me meh mein meins meint meith meiths men menhir menhirs meno