Definition of Maianthemum


  • sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: false lily of the valley
    - genus maianthemum
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Maianthemum

  • Scrabble® score of the maianthemum (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the maianthemum (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the maianthemum (24)

Unscramble maianthemum

341 unscramble word found using the letters maianthemum.

aa aah ae ah aha ahem ahent ahi ahint ai aia aim ain aina aine ait aitu am ama amah amain amate amaut amauti ame amen ament amenta amentia amentum ami amia amie amin amine amman ammine amnia amtman amu an ana ane aneath anemia ani anima animate anime ant anta antae ante anthem anthemia anti anu at ate athame atma atman atua aua aue aune aunt auntie ea ean eat eath eau eh eina em emit emma emu en entia et eta etamin eth etna etui ha hae haem haematin haemin haen haet hain haint ham hamate hame hammam han hant hat hate haun haunt haut haute he heat hem hematin hemin hemina hen hent het hetman hi hiant hie him hin hinau hint hit hitman hitmen hm hmm hmmm hue hui huia hum huma human humane humate humint humite hun hunt hut hutia imam imamate imaum immane immune in inhumate inhume inmate it ita item ma maa mae maha mahua maihem maim main mam mama mamie mamma mammae mammate mammati mammet mammie man mana manat manati manatu mane maneh manet mani mania manitu manta manteau mantua manumea manumit mat matai mate math matin maumet maun maut me mean