Definition of Microcephaly


  • an abnormally small head and underdeveloped brain
    - microcephalus - nanocephaly
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Microcephaly

  • Scrabble® score of the microcephaly (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the microcephaly (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the microcephaly (29)

Unscramble microcephaly

1305 unscramble word found using the letters microcephaly.

accloy accoil accoy ace acer ach ache achier achromic achy acme acmic acre acro acrylic acyl ae aerily aero aery ah ahem ahi ahoy ai aiery ail aim aimer air airhole airy al alchemic alchemy alco ale alec aleph alme almeh almery aloe alopecic alp am ame ami amice amie amir amole amorce amp amphoric ample ampler amply amyl amylic ape aper apery apio apiol apo ar arc arch archei archi archil archly arco are areic ariel aril arle arm armhole armil army ary aryl ay aye ayelp ayre ayrie cache cacoepy cahier cal caliche calico caliper caliph calm calmer calmier calmy calo caloric calorie calory caloyer calp cam came camel camelry cameo cami camo camp camper campery camphire camphol camphor camphoric campi campier campily cample camply campo campy cap cape caper caph capi caple capo capri capric caprice capriole caproic caprylic car carcel care carhop cariole carl carle caroch caroche carol caroli carom caromel carp carpel carpi cay ceca cecal cecropia ceil cel celiac celom celomic ceorl cep cephalic ceramic cercal cerci ceria ceric ceriph cero ch cha chace chaco chai chair chal chalice cham champ champer champier champy chao chap chape chapel chapelry char chare charily charley charlie