Definition of Omphalocele


  • protrusion of the intestine and omentum through a hernia in the abdominal wall near the navel
    usually self correcting after birth
    - umbilical hernia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Word Chums® score of the omphalocele (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the omphalocele (24)

Unscramble omphalocele

378 unscramble word found using the letters omphalocele.

ace ach ache achoo acme ae ah ahem al alco alcohol alcool ale alec alee aleph all allee alme almeh aloe aloo alp am ame amole amp ample ape apo apollo cal call callee callop calm calo calomel calp cam came camel cameo camo camp camphol cample campo cap cape caph caple capo cee cel cell cella cellae cello celom cep cepe ch cha chal cham champ chao chap chape chapel che cheap cheapo cheep chela chelae chelp chem chemo chola cholla cholo chomp choom chop clam clame clamp clap cleep clem cleome clepe cloam clomp cloop clop coal coalhole coelom coelome coho cohoe col cola cole coll collop coma comae comal come comp compel compo coo cooee cool coom coop cop copal copalm cope ea each eale ech eche echo eco ecomap ee eech eel eh el ell elm elope em eme emo empale empeach emplace empleach epha epoch epocha epochal ha hae haem haemocoel hale hall hallo halloo halm halo ham hame hao haole hap he heal heame heap heel hele hell hello helm helo help hem hemal heme hemocoel hemp hep hm ho hoa hoc hoe hole holla hollo holloa holm holme holo holp hom homa home