Definition of Myelomeningocele


  • a congenital defect of the central nervous system in which a sac containing part of the spinal cord and its meninges protrude through a gap in the vertebral column
    frequently accompanied by hydrocephalus and mental retardation
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Unscramble myelomeningocele

646 unscramble word found using the letters myelomeningocele.

cee ceil cel cell celli celling cello celom ciel cig cill cine cineol cineole cion cleg clem clemming cleome clime cline cling clingy clog clon clone cloning cloy cloye cloying cly clying coelom coelome cog cogie cognomen cogon coign coigne coil coin col cole coley colin coll colleen college collie colling colly collying colog cologne colon colone colonel coloni colony coly come comelily comely coming comingle comm commie commingle commo common commoney commoning commonly commy con cone coney conge congee congo coni conin conine coning conmen conn conne connie conominee cony coo cooee cooeeing cooey cooeying cooing cooingly cool coolie cooling coolingly coolly cooly coom cooming coomy coon coy coying cyme cymene cymlin cymling cymogene cymol cynomolgi eco ecology economy ee eel eely een egence egency ego eigne eine el elegy elemi ell elm elmen elmy eloge elogy eloign eloin em emcee emceeing eme emic eminence eminency emmenology emmy emo emollience emong en encomion ene enemy eng engine engloom ennog enol enolic enology eocene eolienne eon eye eyeing eyen eying eyne gee gel gelee gelly gem gemel geminy gemmen gemmily gemmy gemony gen gene genic genie gennel genny genom genome genomic geo gey gi gie gien gill gilly gimel gimme