Definition of Nonreflecting


  • not capable of physical reflection
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nonreflecting

  • Scrabble® score of the nonreflecting (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the nonreflecting (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nonreflecting (25)

Unscramble nonreflecting

1019 unscramble word found using the letters nonreflecting.

cee ceil ceiler cel celt cenote cent center centering centile centinel centner cento centonel centre centreing centring centriole ceorl cere cerge cering cerite cerne cerning cero cert certie cete ciel cierge cig cine cineol cineole cion cire cirl cit cite citer cito citole citron clef cleft clefting cleg client clift cline cling clinger clint clit clog clon clone cloner cloning clot clote coft cog cogener cogent cogie coif coign coigne coil coiler coin coiner coinfer cointer coir coit col cole colin colt colter colting con cone conf confer confine confiner confit conge congee congener conger congree congreet coni conifer conin conine coning conn conne conner connie conning conte contline cor core coregent coreign corf corgi coring corn cornel cornet corni corning cortege cortile cortin cot cote coteline coterie coting cree creeing creel creeling crenel creneling creole cretin cretonne crine cringe cringle crit croft crofting crog cron crone cronet ctene eclogite eco ecogift ee eel een ef eft eger ego egret eigne eine el elect electing election elector electro electroing electron elegit elf elfin elfing elint elite eloge eloign eloigner eloin eloiner elt en encore encoring ene energic enfelon enfeloning enfire enforce enforcing eng engilt engine enginer engirt engore enlit ennog