Definition of Nonreflective


  • not capable of physical reflection
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nonreflective

  • Scrabble® score of the nonreflective (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the nonreflective (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nonreflective (26)

Unscramble nonreflective

936 unscramble word found using the letters nonreflective.

cee ceil ceiler cel celt cenote cent centenier center centerline centile centinel centner cento centonel centre centreline centriole ceorl cere cerite cerne cero cert certie cervine cete ciel cine cineol cineole cion cire cirl cit cite citer cito citole citron civ cive civet cleeve clef cleft cleve cleveite clever client clift cline clint clit clon clone cloner clot clote clove cloven clover coft coif coil coiler coin coiner coinfer cointer coinvent coir coit col cole colin colt colter con cone conf confer conferee confine confiner confit coni conifer conin conine conn conne conner connie connive conniver conte contline contrive convene convener convent convert cor core corf corn cornel cornet corni cortile cortin corvee corvet corvine cot cote coteline coterie cove covelet coven covent cover coverlet covert covet coveter covin covine cree creel crenel creole cretin cretonne crine crit croft cron crone cronet ctene eco ee eel eelier een eerie eeven eevn ef eft eine el elect election elective elector electro electron eleven elevon elf elfin elint elite eloin eloiner elt elven elver en enceinte encore ene enerve enfelon enfever enfierce enfire enforce enfree enleve enlit enliven enlivener enol enolic enriven enrol enter enteric enteron entice enticer entire entoil entree envier