Definition of Thermoregulator


  • a regulator for automatically regulating temperature by starting or stopping the supply of heat
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thermoregulator

  • Scrabble® score of the thermoregulator (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the thermoregulator (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thermoregulator (24)

Unscramble thermoregulator

1347 unscramble word found using the letters thermoregulator.

ae aemule aero aerogel aerugo aether ag age agee ager aglee aglet agloo aglu ago agorot agoroth agree agro ague ah ahem al ale alee alert alerter algometer algor algum alme almeh almug aloe aloo alt alter alterer altho alto altogether alu alum alumroot alure am ame ameer amole amoret amoretto amort amour amourette amu amulet ar are areg areole arere aret arete arett argh argle argol argot argue arguer argute arle arm armer armet armhole armlet armor armorer armour armourer armure arret art artel arthromere aruhe arum at ate athlete atom att aue auger augh aught aureole author auto autometer ea eager eagle eaglet eagre eale ear earhole earl earth eat eater eath eathe eau ee eel egal eger egma ego egret eh el elate elater elm eloge elt eluate elute elutor em eme emerg emeu emo emote emoter emu emulate emulator emule emulge emure eorl er era erathem ere erg ergate ergo ergot erhu erm erotema err erratum error erugo et eta etage etat eth ethal ethe ether ethogram ettle euge eugh euro gae gal gale galere galette galoot galore galut galuth gam game gamer gamete gamut gaol gaoler gar gare garote garotte garotter garre garret garrot garrote