Definition of Thermoacidophile


  • archaebacteria that thrive in strongly acidic environments at high temperatures
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thermoacidophile

  • Scrabble® score of the thermoacidophile (29)
  • Word Chums® score of the thermoacidophile (36)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thermoacidophile (31)

Unscramble thermoacidophile

4160 unscramble word found using the letters thermoacidophile.

ace aced acer ach ache ached achier achiote achoo acid acider acidier acidimeter acidometer acidophil acidophile acme acmite acoemeti acold acre acred acrid acro acrolith act acted actor ad adeem adept adepter adhere adipic adipocere adit admire admit ado adopt adoptee adopter adore adroit ae aedile aerie aeried aero aerolite aerolith aerolitic aether aetheric ah ahchoo ahed ahem ahh ahhed ahi ahold ai aid aide aider aidoi ail ailed aim aimed aimer aioli air aired airhole airt airted airth airthed airtime ait aitch al alcid alco alder ale alec alee aleph alerce alert alerted alethic aliped alit alme almeh alod aloe aloed aloetic aloo alopecoid alp alt alter altered altho alto am ame ameer amerce amerced ametropic ami amice amici amid amide amidic amido amidol amie amir amitrole amole amorce amoret amort amp amped ampere amphoric amphoteric ample ampler amrit aortic ape aped apedom apehood aper aperiodic apert apheretic aphetic aphicide aphid aphotic aphrodite apiece apio apiol aplite aplitic apo apod apode apomict aporetic aport apothece apothem apricot aprotic apt apted apter ar arc arced arch arched archei archi archil archlet arco arctiid arctoid arctophil arctophile ard are ared arede areic areole aret arete arid ariel aril ariled ariot arle