Definition of Zinjanthropus


  • genus to which Australopithecus boisei was formerly assigned
    - genus zinjanthropus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Zinjanthropus

  • Scrabble® score of the zinjanthropus (34)
  • Word Chums® score of the zinjanthropus (40)
  • Words With Friends® score of the zinjanthropus (129)

Unscramble zinjanthropus

1377 unscramble word found using the letters zinjanthropus.

ah ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ain ains air airn airns airpost airs airshot airstop airt airth airths airts ais ait aits aitu aitus aji ajis an ani anion anions anis ann anno anns anoint anoints anon ans ant anthro anthros anti antiphon antiphons antiporn antis ants anu anus aorist aphis aphorist apio apios apish apo aport apos apron aprons apso apt apts ar ariot aris arish aristo arnut arnuts aroint aroints ars arshin arsino arson art arti artis arts as ash asp asport aspout aspro asprout astir astun at atop atrip atropin atropins ats aunt aunts auris aurist author authors auto autos azo azon azons azoth azoths azurn ha hain hains haint haints hair hairs hairst haj haji hajis han hant hants hao haos hap haps hapu hapus harn harns haro haros harp harpin harpins harpist harps hart harts has hasp hast hat hatpin hatpins hats haun hauns haunt haunts haut hi hiant hiatus hijra hijras hin hinau hinaus hins hint hints hip hips hipt his hisn hist hit hits ho hoa hoar hoars hoas hoast hoatzin hoatzins hoi hois hoist hon honan honans hons hop hops hora horas hori horis horn hornist horns hors horst hos host hosta