Definition of Catholicize


  • cause to adopt Catholicism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Catholicize

  • Scrabble® score of the catholicize (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the catholicize (34)
  • Words With Friends® score of the catholicize (119)

Unscramble catholicize

409 unscramble word found using the letters catholicize.

accite accoil ace acetic ach ache achiote act ae ah ahi ai ail aioli ait aitch aizle al alco ale alec alethic alit aloe aloetic alt altho alto at ate atelic atoc azo azoic azole azote azoth azotic cache cachet cacolet cacti cal calcite caliche calico calo cat catch cate catechol cathole catholic catholicize caz cazh ceca cecal ceil ceili cel celiac celt ch cha chace chaco chai chal chalet chalice chalot chao chaotic chat che cheat chela chez chi chia chiao chic chica chicalote chicle chico chicot chiel chile chili chit chital chiz choc choice choil chola cholate choli cholic chota ciao cicale ciel cilia ciliate cilice cit cital cite cito citola citole clach clat clatch cleat cliche clit clitic cloche clot clote cloth clothe cloze coach coact coal coalize coat coate coati coca coch cochlea coctile coeliac coil coit coital col cola cole colic colitic colt colza cot cote coth coz coze cozie ea each eat eath ecco ech echo echoic echt eclat eco eh el elchi elhi elicit elt eltchi eolith eolithic et eta etch eth ethal ethic ethical etic ha hae haet hail hale halite halo halt hao haole hat hate haze hazel he heal heat