Definition of Chlorophyceae


  • algae distinguished chiefly by having flagella and a clear green color, their chlorophyll being masked little if at all by other pigments
    - class chlorophyceae
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Word games points for the Chlorophyceae

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  • Word Chums® score of the chlorophyceae (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the chlorophyceae (29)

Unscramble chlorophyceae

709 unscramble word found using the letters chlorophyceae.

accloy accoy ace acer ach ache achoo achy acre acro acyl ae aero aery ah ahchoo ahh ahoy al alco ale alec alee aleph alerce aleye aloe aloo alp ape aper apery apo ar arc arch archly arco are areole arle ary aryl ay aye ayelp ayre cache cacoepy cal caleche calo calory caloyer calp cap cape caper caph caple capo car carcel care carhop carl carle caroch caroche carol carp carpel carpool cay ceca cecal cee cel celery ceorl cep cepe cercal cere cereal cero ch cha chace chaco chal chaleh chao chap chape chapel chapelry char chare charley charpoy chary chay che cheap cheaper cheaply cheapo cheapy cheep cheer cheerly cheero cheery chela chelae chelp cher chere choc chocho choco chola choler cholera cholo chop choral chorale chore chorea choreal choree chyle chypre clach clap claro clary clay clear cleche cleep clepe cloche cloop clop cloy cloye cly clype coach coachee coacher coachy coal coaler coaly coca coch cochlea cochleae cochlear cochleare coco cocoa coerce cohere coho cohoe col cola cole coley color colory coly coo cooch cooee cooer cooey cool cooler cooly coop cooper coopery cop copal copay cope coper copra coprah copy cor coracle coral core