Definition of Cryptophyceae


  • motile usually brownish-green protozoa-like algae
    - class cryptophyceae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cryptophyceae

  • Scrabble® score of the cryptophyceae (30)
  • Word Chums® score of the cryptophyceae (36)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cryptophyceae (31)

Unscramble cryptophyceae

770 unscramble word found using the letters cryptophyceae.

accept accepter acceptor accoy accrete ace acer ach ache achy acre acro act actor ae aero aerophyte aery aether ah ahoy ape aper apert apery apo aport apothece app apport appro apt apter ar arc arch archetype arco are aret arete art arty ary at ate atoc atop atopy atrophy ay aye ayre cache cachepot cachet cacoepy cap cape caper caph capo capot capote capper captor car care caret carhop caroch caroche carp carpet cart carte cartop cat catch catcher catchy cate cater cay ceca cee cep cepe cerate cere cero cerotype cert certy cete ceterach ch cha chace chaco chao chap chape chappy chapt chapter char chare charet charpoy chart chary chat chay chayote che cheap cheaper cheapo cheapy cheat cheater cheatery cheep cheer cheero cheery cher chere chert cherty choc chop chopper choppy chore chorea choree chota chypre coach coachee coacher coachy coact coapt coat coate coatee coater coca coch cocreate coerce coerect cohere cop copay cope coper copper copperah coppery coppra coppy copra coprah copter copy copycat cor core corey cory coryphe coryphee cot cote coth cotype coy coyer crap crape crappy crapy cratch crate cray creach create creche cree creep creepy crepe crepey crept crepy croc