Definition of Hypophysectomise


  • remove the pituitary glands
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hypophysectomise

  • Scrabble® score of the hypophysectomise (36)
  • Word Chums® score of the hypophysectomise (41)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hypophysectomise (36)

Unscramble hypophysectomise

1678 unscramble word found using the letters hypophysectomise.

cee cees cep cepe cepes ceps cespitose cess cesse cesspit cesti cestoi cestos cete cetes ch che cheep cheeps cheesy chem chemise chemises chemist chemists chemitype chemitypes chemitypy chemo chemos chems chess chest chests chesty cheth cheths chi chime chimes chimo chimp chimps chip chippy chips chipset chipsets chis chit chits chomophyte chomophytes chomp chomps choom chooms choose chooses choosey choosiest choosy chop choppiest choppy chops chose choses chyme chymes chymist chymists cis cissy cist cists cit cite cites citess cito cits city coempt coempts coesite coesites coho cohoe cohoes cohos cohosh cohoshes cohost cohosts coit coits come comes comet cometh comets comites comity comose comp compete competes compo compos compose composes composite composites compost composts compot compote compotes compots comps compt compts coms comte comtes coo cooee cooees cooey cooeys coom coomiest cooms coomy coop coops coopt coopts coos coost coot cootie cooties coots cop cope copes copies coppies coppy cops copse copses copshop copshops copsiest copsy copy copyism copyisms copyist copyists cos cose coses coset cosets cosey coseys cosh coshes cosie cosies cosiest cosmist cosmos coss cosset cossie cost coste costes costs cosy cot cote cotes coth coths cotise cotises cots cotype cotypes coy coyest coyish coyote coyotes