Definition of Propylthiouracil


  • a crystalline compound used as an antithyroid drug in the treatment of goiter
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Propylthiouracil

  • Scrabble® score of the propylthiouracil (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the propylthiouracil (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the propylthiouracil (32)

Unscramble propylthiouracil

1524 unscramble word found using the letters propylthiouracil.

ach achoo achy acolyth acro acrolith act actor actorly acuity acyl ah ahi ahoy ahull ai ail aioli air airily airport airt airth airy ait aitch aitu al alco alcohol alcool alcopop alit aliyot aliyoth all allot allotropic allotropy allotypic alloy ally allyou aloo alp alphyl alt altho alto alu aortic aphotic apiculi apio apiol aplitic apo apollo apoop aport app apply apport appro appui appuy apricot apriority aprotic apt aptly ar arc arch archi archil archly arco arctophil arctophily aril arilli ariot arroyo art arti artic artily arty ary aryl at athrill atoc atoll atop atopic atopy atrip atrophic atrophy atypic aulic auloi auric author auto ay ayu cahoot cal caliph call callop callout calo calory calp calthrop caltrop cap caph capi capitol capo capot capri captopril captor capul caput car carhop carl carlot carol caroli carp carpi carpool carport carr carrot carroty carry carryout cart cartop cartophily cat caul caup cauri cay ch cha chai chair chal challot chally chalot chao chap chappy chapt char charily chariot charity charpoy charr charro charry chart chary chat chay chayroot chi chia chiao chili chill chilli chilly chip chippy chiral chirality chirl chiro chirp chirpily chirpy chirr chirrup chirrupy chirt chiru