Definition of Cryptophyta


  • a phylum in the kingdom Protoctista
    - phylum cryptophyta
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cryptophyta

  • Scrabble® score of the cryptophyta (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the cryptophyta (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cryptophyta (26)

Unscramble cryptophyta

288 unscramble word found using the letters cryptophyta.

ach achy acro act actor ah ahoy apo aport app apport appro apt ar arc arch arco art arty ary at atoc atop atopy atrophy att ay cap caph capo capot captor car carhop carp cart cartop cat catty cay ch cha chao chap chappy chapt char charpoy chart chary chat chatty chay chop choppy chota chott coapt coat cop copay coppra coppy copra coprah copy cor cory cot coth cott cotta cottar coy crap crappy crapy cray crop croppy cry crypt crypto cytopathy ha hao hap happy haro harp harpy hart hat hay ho hoa hoar hoary hoc hop hoppy hora hot hotty hoy hoya hyp hypo oar oary oat oath oaty oca och ochry octa oh op opah opt or ora orach oracy orc orca orchat ort otary ottar oy pa pac paco pact pacy pah pap par parch parp part party pat patch patchy path patty paty pay payor ph phat pho phoca phot pht po poa poach poachy pochay poh pop porch port porta porty pory pot potch pott potty prao prat pratt praty pray pro proa prop prophy pry pya pyat pyot pyro pyrohy rach racy rah rap rapt rat ratch rath rato ratty ray